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080501 / Panoptikum

Пт 15.11.2024 17:00
Apollo Kino Coca-Cola Plaza, 5. lukssaal
With a mother working abroad illegally and a grandma too old to substitute a parent, Sandro is left practically alone after his father’s departure. To fulfil a new obligation as a son of a future monk, he must turn to religion himself. Without realising it, he becomes oppressed by the invisible spiritual surveillance of his father and God that shapes his behaviour. This sudden change comes at the peak of Sandro’s sexual awakening and creates a powerful conflict between body and soul. Convinced that sex before marriage is sinful, he represses his desires towards his high-school sweetheart, Tina, and instead starts to manifest all this sexual frustration in inappropriate ways, like touching random girls in public and exposing himself to the mother of his football teammate, Lasha. While developing an erotic fixation towards Lasha’s mother, Sandro easily falls under Lasha’s influence as he is slightly older and very charming. But he is also a nationalist, who quickly lures Sandro into a rising Christian Fascist movement. Sandro tries to reconcile the opposing forces within his heart. He fights for survival and tries to make sense of the notions of faith, love, and manhood at the most formative time of his life - a trial that will eventually prove to be a revelation of his humanity.

Сайт мероприятия: https://justfilm.ee/film/panoptikum

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Мероприятие Дата / Время Место проведения Цена  
080501 / Panoptikum Пт 15.11.2024 17:00 Apollo Kino Coca-Cola Plaza, 5. lukssaal 7.00 - 20.00
Мероприятие 080501 / Panoptikum
Дата / Время Пт 15.11.2024 17:00
Место проведения Apollo Kino Coca-Cola Plaza, 5. lukssaal
Цена 7.00 - 20.00
Информация о ценах
Hinnad kuni 31.10.2024
Täispilet 7€
Õpilane, tudeng, õpetaja, pensionär, ajateenija 7 € 
Metseeni pilet 20 €
Hinnad alates 01.11.24
Täispilet 9€
Õpilane, tudeng, õpetaja, pensionär, ajateenija 7 €
Metseeni pilet 20 €
Место проведения
Apollo Kino Coca-Cola Plaza, 5. lukssaal
Hobujaama 5 Tallinn Эстония
Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival MTÜ
Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival MTÜ
Telliskivi 60A Tallinn 10412 Harjumaa
Рег. №: 80044767
Мероприятие 080501 / Panoptikum
Дата / Время Пт 15.11.2024 17:00
Место проведения Apollo Kino Coca-Cola Plaza, 5. lukssaal
Цена 7.00 - 20.00
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