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Rahvusvaheline noore vaataja teatri festival NAKS 2024

Ti 5.11.2024 10:00 - La 9.11.2024 23:59
11.60 - 66.60
Näytä tapahtumatiedotPeitä tapahtumatiedot
International Theatre Festival for Young Audiences NAKS
International Theatre Festival for Young Audiences NAKS will take place in Tartu, Estonia from November 5th to 9th in 2024. NAKS festival introduces the versatility of theatre for young audiences and spreads boundaries of art and its themes. Theatre in all of its varieties is seen: there is visual and puppet theatre, drama, dance and music performances and contemporary circus. Music and movement play an extra important role in all of the performances of the festival. NAKS festival offers something for everyone: for families, the smallest children and students in primary, secondary and high schools. Moreover, there are performances which are especially targeted for those who are at the periphery of theatre’s audience, such as newborn babies or people with special needs (i.e. children and young people with visual impairment and autism). 
The main programme of the festival includes eleven performances from Estonian theatre scene and five foreign theatre productions. Festival’s side and youth programmes include workshops, a conference on children's and youth culture, public reading of a play, thematic discussions and post-performance conversations/reflecting activities. 
Amongst Estonian theatre makers and troupes, all the festival’s visitors meets with Big Wolf Company, Estonian Theatre for Young Audiences, Helena Krinal, Miksteater, Must Kast, Piip and Tuut Theatre, ZUGA United Dancers, Teoteater in collaboration with Nähtamatu Teater (Invisible Theatre), Vanemuine Theatre and Russian Theatre in Estonia. International guests and troupes arrive from the Nordic and Baltic countries (Dockteatern Tittut, Bobbi Lo Produktion, Dansema Dance Theatre), Slovakia (Katanari) and Scotland (Barrowland Ballet).
NAKS 2024 is part of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 main programme.


Tapahtuman verkkosivu: http://www.naksfestival.ee

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