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Conservatorio Vincenzo Bellini - Catania kammerorkester

To 21.11.2024 18:00
Tallinna Filharmoonia Mustpeade Maja
10.60 - 19.60
The Chamber Orchestra of Conservatorio Vincenzo Bellini in Catania, Italy, consists of students studying at the conservatory. It is part of The Symphony Orchestra of Conservatorio Vincenzo Bellini, whose founder and principal conductor is the famous Italian musician, professor of the conservatory and its director Epifanio Comis.

Together with the young musicians, their teachers play in the orchestra. The orchestra’s plans for 2024/25 seasons expects a European tour with concerts as part of important summer festivals, including Ljubljana Festival 2024, as well as autumn concerts in the United Arabian Emirates.

The Chamber Orchestra of Conservatorio Vincenzo Bellini conducted by Marco Terlizzi will perform in Estonia in the new season. A laureate of international competitions, professor of the conservatory, he is known primarily as a violinist, a member of Duo Terlizzi, whose concert activity has been going on for 30 years. Marco Terlizzi alsaw gives master classes and takes part in the work of the jury of international competitions.
At a concert in Tallinn on November 21, The Chamber Orchestra of Conservatorio Vincenzo Bellini will perform works by Arvo Pärt and Italian composers, after which they will perform the same program on November 23 at the Pärt Center in Laulasmaa.
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Tapahtuma Päivä / Aika Tapahtumapaikka Hinta  
Conservatorio Vincenzo Bellini - Catania kammerorkester To 21.11.2024 18:00 Tallinna Filharmoonia Mustpeade Maja 10.60 - 19.60
Tapahtuma Conservatorio Vincenzo Bellini - Catania kammerorkester
Päivä / Aika To 21.11.2024 18:00
Tapahtumapaikka Tallinna Filharmoonia Mustpeade Maja
Hinta 10.60 - 19.60
Täispilet 18 €
Õpilane / tudeng / pensionär 14 €
Erivajadustega inimene / saatja 9 €
Lastele vanuses kuni 6 eluaastat (k.a.) on sissepääs tasuta
Sissepääs alates 17:40
Kestus 2 tundi, vaheaeg 20 minutit
Tapahtuman järjestäjä
Uliss MTÜ
Luha 28-12 Tallinn 10131 Harjumaa
Reg No: 80160232
Tapahtuma Conservatorio Vincenzo Bellini - Catania kammerorkester
Päivä / Aika To 21.11.2024 18:00
Tapahtumapaikka Tallinna Filharmoonia Mustpeade Maja
Hinta 10.60 - 19.60
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