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Leigo Järvemuusika 25: balletilavastus ''AJU''

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LEIGO LAKE MUSIC 25 and the Ballet Performance AJU

Leigo Lake Music will present the ballet "Aju," created in collaboration with Estonian neuroscientist Jaan Aru, writer Tõnu Õnnepalu, composers Timo Steiner and Sander Mölder, and choreographer Teet Kask, on August 10, 2024, in celebration of its 25th anniversary. Leigo Lake Music 2024 is part of the main program of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024.

On stage will be the electronic music legend Legowelt (NL), Sander Mölder and The Horn Collective, featuring Allan Järve (trumpet), Jason Hunter (trumpet), Allan Kaljaste (alto saxophone), Keio Vutt (tenor saxophone), Ingvar Leerimaa (bass trombone), and Enri Remmelgas (tuba). The dancers performing will be Carlos Campo Vecino (SP), Maria Solei Järvet, Anna Roberta (Estonian National Ballet), Aleksandra Kantola, Jevgeni Grib (Estonian National Ballet), and the dancers from Tähtvere Dance Centre.

The visual spectacle will be crafted by lighting artist Margus Vaigur, designer-architect Ülar Mark, and Finnish video artist and animator Juho Lähdesmäki. While Leigo is known for its grandiose water and fire shows, the production for the Tartu 2024 European Capital of Culture year will be even more impressive, engaging, and powerful.

The ballet-concert, performed in August, asks what it really is that makes our thoughts work. Who truly moves and guides us? What exactly is this withered cauliflower-like substance that reigns as our king and ruler? What is the brain? This primevally powerful, anciently wise, profoundly sensitive, and autonomous machinery.

Team: Producer Tiiu Tamm, project managers Ulla Juske and Helis Heiter, stage managers Triinu Arak, Diana Tiits and Klaara Kollist. Designer Kadri Vahar, coordiator of the fire team Indrek Leht, coordinator of the volunteers team Marianne Sandra Teng, voluntary logistic manager Mart Uibo, tickets sales manager Piret Püü, technical team Alo Puustak, Eero Druus and Jaagup Tamm. Marketing and communication team: Fundamental, Katrin Ruus, Karmen King.

Technical solutions: Eventech, UC rent, DGR. Tere are many wonderful volunteers involved making the festival.

Leigo Lake Music festival thanks all its amazing volunteers, Von Krahl theatre, Eventech, DSV, Prike, Valmiermuiža, Otepää Lihatööstus, Muhu Pagarid, Salvest, Epiim, Tartu 2024, Tere Piim, Taavet Tamm, Reni Tamm and OÜ Leigo turism.

European Capital of Culture is supported by A. Le Coq, Delfi Meedia, Topauto and Lux Express. 



15.30 The gates and the food area are open; the audience will be divided into three groups using wristbands at the ticket gate. The trajectory of Act I is different for each group, Acts II and III are all in the same place and at the same time.

16.15 The entrance to the stages is open.

16.30 NB! To take part in the first act, it is necessary to be present at the ticket gate no later than around 4:30 p.m. (recommended earlier) in order to calmly reach the starting point of your group according to the instructions. You will get headphones on two stages - Pajusaar (mandatory for all audience) and Aru poolsaar (for people not speaking Estonian).

17.00–19.30 FIRST ACT (Õnnepalu hoov/Aru poolsaar/Pajusaar)

The first act takes place as a journey between three distinctive stages, which three groups formed from the audience pass through in turn. One walk takes about 5-10 minutes, which increases depending on the number of people. We ask that you only visit the venues during the times assigned to your group color.

The buyer of a ticket with a seat is guaranteed to sit at the stops on the journey.

17.00–17.30 First stop

17.30-18.00 Movement

18.00–18.30 Second stop

18.30-19.00 Movement

19.00–19.30 Third stop

19.30–20.30 break

20.30–21.30 SECOND ACT (great concert lake)

21.30–22.00 break

22.00–23.00 THIRD ACT (great concert lake)

00.00 Area will be closed



  • The ballet "Aju"/”Brain” takes place in the open air between the beautiful domes of Southern Estonia on the shores of the lakes of the picturesque Leigo farm.
  • To take part in the first act, it is necessary to be present at the ticket gate no later than 4:30 p.m. (recommended earlier) in order to reach the correct starting point of the performance according to the instructions. Please note that it takes some time to walk from the parking lot to the ticket gate.
  • Please move to and from the stops in Act I as quickly as possible. Wave and happily greet the next group you meet as you move between stages. :) On the spot, you will be guided by signs and volunteers.
  • The path of the journey in the first act also leads across a grassland/field.
  • Transport - the last Tartu-Leigo-Tartu bus tickets are still available.
  • Accommodation - the nearest places to stay can be found in Otepää, Elva, Tartu and others.
  • Please choose clothes in according to the weather - summer evenings are cool.
  • You can take along, for example, a blanket, a camping chair and, just in case, a rain cape.

Prohibited items

– Glass bottles or other objects whose contents or breakage, etc., may endanger your safety or the safety of other visitors;
– Own alcohol and other drinks, narcotic and/or psychotropic substances;
– Umbrellas
– Any weapons, pyrotechnics, lasers/laser pens, syringes, dangerous substances and objects;
– Professional and semi-professional video and photo equipment and drones




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