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Pähklipureja. P. Tšaikovski ballett

Pe 17.1.2025 19:00
Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn

A wonderful journey in the magical world of Christmas

Kalev presents:

Ballet by Pyotr Tchaikovsky

Libretto by Marius Petipa based on the fairy-tale of E. T. A. Hoffmann and Alexandre Dumas (perè)

World premiere on December 18, 1892 at the Mariinsky Theatre

Premiere in the Estonian National Opera on December 3, 2023

Music Director and Conductor: Kaspar Mänd
Conductor: Risto Joost, Mikk Murdvee
Choreographer and Stage Director: Gyula Harangozó (Hungary)
Assistants of the Stage Director: Blanka Fajth (Ungari), Balazs Krajczar (Ungari)
Set and Video Designer: Kentaur (Hungary)
Costume Designer: Rita Velich (Hungary)
Lighting Rasmus Rembel
Stage Manager Anton Osul
Repetiteurs Linnar Looris, Daniel Kirspuu, Marina Kesler, Luana Georg, David Jonathan, Age Oks, Katrin Kivimägi
Pianist-Repetiteurs Yuliya Braun, Olena Ilnitska

Conductors of the Estonian National Opera Boys' Choir: Mariliis Kreintaal, Maret Poll, Külli Kiivet, Sara Corriga

Estonian National Opera Orchestra and Boys' Choir

Approx. running time 5 h 15 min, one intermission

Estonian National Opera invites everyone to enjoy one of the most brilliant and heart-warming Christmas classics of all times! Gyula Harangozó’s staging of the new “The Nutcracker” takes you on a dazzling tour of a fairy tale wonderland, brimming with your favourite melodies by Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

Gyula Harangozó: “With my ballet I would like to go back to its roots to be able to make it contemporary. It sounds as a contradiction, but it is not. When “The Nutcracker” was staged in St. Petersburg approximately 150 years ago, there was a very rough difference between the first act and the rest of the performance. The first act was a “here and now” situation with a 19th century Christmas party where the children could recognise everything they saw on stage. The rest of the ballet was a dream, a fairy tale where anything could happen without limits. This duality has disappeared by the passing of time and the whole performance has become a fairy tale for us.

To keep the original dramaturgy, I would like to stage the first act as “here and now”, hoping that the children will be familiar with everything that they see on stage – beginning with the costumes and sets up to a video game and the dolls shown by Drosselmayer – and are easily involved in the show. The second half of the performance will be built on the classical tradition inspired by the choreography of Vasili Vainonen, so the fans of the classical ballet will meet their expectations”.

Recommended for ages 4+

Estonian National Opera invites everyone to enjoy one of the most brilliant and heart-warming Christmas classics of all times! Gyula Harangozó’s staging of the new “The Nutcracker” takes you on a dazzling tour of a fairy tale wonderland, brimming with your favourite melodies by Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

Gyula Harangozó: “With my ballet I would like to go back to its roots to be able to make it contemporary. It sounds as a contradiction, but it is not. When “The Nutcracker” was staged in St. Petersburg approximately 150 years ago, there was a very rough difference between the first act and the rest of the performance. The first act was a “here and now” situation with a 19th century Christmas party where the children could recognise everything they saw on stage. The rest of the ballet was a dream, a fairy tale where anything could happen without limits. This duality has disappeared by the passing of time and the whole performance has became a fairy tale for us.

To keep the original dramaturgy, I would like to stage the first act as “here and now”, hoping that the children will be familiar with everything that they see on stage – beginning with the costumes and setting up to a video game and the dolls shown by Drosselmayer – and are easily involved in the show. The second half of the performance will be built on the classical tradition inspired by the choreography of Vasili Vainonen, so the fans of the classical ballet will meet their expectations”.

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Tapahtuma Päivä / Aika Tapahtumapaikka  
Pähklipureja. P. Tšaikovski ballett Pe 17.1.2025 19:00 Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Tapahtuma Pähklipureja. P. Tšaikovski ballett
Päivä / Aika Pe 17.1.2025 19:00
Tapahtumapaikka Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Soodustused on personaalsed. Palume etendusele tulles kaasa võtta soodustust võimaldav dokument: Eesti Vabariigis välja antud kehtiv õpilas-, üliõpilaspilet, ISIC/ITIC kaart või Eesti Vabariigis välja antud pensionitunnistus või töövõime kaart. Korraga kehtib ainult üks soodustus. Soodustused ei kehti külalisetendustele ja eriprojektidele.
Soovime, et teatrikülastus kujuneks kõigile saalisviibijatele positiivseks elamuseks, seepärast juhime tähelepanu, et täiskasvanutele mõeldud lavastused ei sobi reeglina vaatamiseks alla 7-aastastele lastele. Palume vaadata lavastuse lehelt konkreetse lavastuse soovituslikku vanusepiirangut.
• Etendused teatrisaalis, koolieeliku soodustus -50%
• suures saalis toimuvatele etendustele soodustus 50% piletihinnast.

• soodusetendused 30% piletihinnast (vt * mängukavast). Eesti Vabariigis välja antud pensionitunnistus palume etendusele tulles kaasa võtta.

• soodusetendused 30% piletihinnast (vt * mängukavast). Eesti Vabariigis välja antud Töövõime Kaart palume etendusele tulles kaasa võtta.

Partnerkaardi omanikele kuni 2 pileti ostmisel. Soodustust võimaldav dokument palume etendusele tulles kaasa võtta. Partner Card discount, up to 2 tickets. When attending the performance, we kindly ask you to take a valid document with you.
Club One kaardi omanikele kuni 2 pileti ostmisel. Soodustust võimaldav dokument palume etendusele tulles kaasa võtta. Club One Card discount, up to 2 tickets. When attending the performance, we kindly ask you to take a valid document with you.
Ratastoolis külastajale leiab Rahvusooper parima sobiva koha saalis. Palume ostuks pöörduda otse Rahvusooperi poole tel. 6831210
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Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Estonia pst 4 Tallinn Põhja-Eesti Viro
Tapahtuman järjestäjä
Rahvusooper Estonia
Estonia pst. 4 Tallinn 10148 Harjumaa
Reg No: 74000033
Tapahtuma Pähklipureja. P. Tšaikovski ballett
Päivä / Aika Pe 17.1.2025 19:00
Tapahtumapaikka Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Muut päivät Samalta järjestäjältä Samassa paikassa
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Loppuunmyyty Pähklipureja. P. Tšaikovski ballett LoppuunmyytyLoppuunmyytyPähklipureja. P. Tšaikovski ballett Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Loppuunmyyty Pähklipureja. P. Tšaikovski ballett LoppuunmyytyLoppuunmyytyPähklipureja. P. Tšaikovski ballett Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
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