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+- / Corentin JPM Leven / Tartu 2024

Ke 18.9.2024 19:00
Tartu Uus Teater, Lai 37
17.60 - 31.60
Performance “+-” is a part of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 main programme. Performance is addressing LGBTQ+ community, therefore connecting it with Tartu 2024 artistic concept Arts of Survival where knowledge, skills and values such as “Uniqueness” and “Co-creation” has a central role to play.
As a young person, how do you accept a life with HIV and the lifelong fight against stigmatization that follows?
Leven shares his journey with HIV through his first physical solo performance, "+-". The performance addresses the stigmatisation surrounding the person living with the virus and delves into the grieving process one goes to when contracting such a life-defining diagnosis.
The production aims to understand and shed light on HIV as a diagnosis in modern times. It offers a contemporary perspective on the impact that HIV still has on a queer person’s life, despite the significant scientific and medical advancements made in handling and suppressing the virus. The protagonist is faced with a difficult decision between himself and the collective aspect of the disease, its legacy, and the high human cost. How can he pay tribute to and continue this legacy without relying on the stigmatised AIDS popular icons? How can he confront his own body, social privileges, and the stigma, as well as the intimate and sexual implications of the virus in modern-day society? This story offers a reflection on the vulnerability of the human body and the psychological effects of the virus on a young mind. Ultimately, how does one accept not only their own diagnosis but also the history and privilege associated with the virus?
Duration: 60 minutes.

Corentin JPM Leven is a Franco-Norwegian artist who resides in Oslo. He completed his education in scenography at the Norwegian Theater Academy and later diversified into multi-disciplinary practices after graduating in 2015. Leven's artistic style is a blend of movement and scenic architecture. In 2020, Leven made his debut as a director and performer with the performance titled “+-“.​
Leven's work is deeply connected to the heritage and history of the Queer community. By drawing on personal experiences, Leven delves into a range of issues related to Queer identity, the Queer body, the Queer community, and Queer history. Leven's main focus is to explore the space between memory and monument. In 2019, Leven received the Norwegian Art Working Grant in scenography, and in 2023-2024, received the Norwegian Art Working Grant in acting.
“A Strong and humble work about grief.
Brave portrait of a young HIV-infected performing artist, with a strong awareness of the collective and historical aspect of the disease. (...) Corentin JPM Leven puts his own illness and his artistic work into a larger social perspective that leaves a mark on me as a spectator. I don't know what else to end with but a humble thank you for an exceptionally strong experience.”
– Hanne Ramsdal , Shakespeare tidsskrift – feb2020.
«The barely one-hour performance is a visual symphony, and a piece of distinctive features. 
Leven has created a work of a higher quality than what a theater reviewer can expect.”
- Cornelius C. Steinkjer, Subjekt – feb 2020
Director/Performer: Corentin JPM Leven
Scenography: Ann Mirjam Vaikla
Composer: Marianna Sangita A. Røe
Music copyrights: La Vie Reserve Des Surprises – Jacques Martineau
Choreography: Ulf Nilseng
Dramaturgy: Juli Apponen
Co-production: Narva Art Residency,  Black Box teater, DansiT
Supported by: Arts Council Norway, DansiT, Blackbox Teater, European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024
Residency support: Black Box teater, Narva Art Residency

European Capital of Culture is supported by A. Le Coq, Delfi Meedia, Topauto and Lux Express. 

Laajenna näköVähennä näkö
Tapahtuma Päivä / Aika Tapahtumapaikka Hinta  
+- / Corentin JPM Leven / Tartu 2024 Ke 18.9.2024 19:00 Tartu Uus Teater, Lai 37 17.60 - 31.60
Tapahtuma +- / Corentin JPM Leven / Tartu 2024
Päivä / Aika Ke 18.9.2024 19:00
Tapahtumapaikka Tartu Uus Teater, Lai 37
Hinta 17.60 - 31.60
Täispilet 18€
Sooduspilet (õpilane, tudeng pensionär) 16€ 
Kombopilet 30€ (selle piletiga pääseb etendusele "+ -" 18 või 19 september ja etendusele "Halva ende linnud" 20 või 21 september)  
Tapahtuman järjestäjä
Uus Teater MTÜ
Lai tn 37 Tartu 51007 Tartumaa
56 755 977
Reg No: 80310536
Tapahtuma +- / Corentin JPM Leven / Tartu 2024
Päivä / Aika Ke 18.9.2024 19:00
Tapahtumapaikka Tartu Uus Teater, Lai 37
Hinta 17.60 - 31.60
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