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Nouvelle Vague

Su 6.4.2025 19:00
Alexela Kontserdimaja, Tallinn
42.00 - 72.00
Elegant French cover band Nouvelle Vague to perform in Estonia
On April 6, the legendary French cover band Nouvelle Vague will perform at Alexela Concert Hall. The band will come to Tallinn to present their latest album "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" and tickets for the show are now on sale at Piletilevi sales points and online store.
The band called Nouvelle Vague was started by talented musicians and producers Marc Collin and the late Olivier Libaux in Paris in 2003. The original idea was to pay homage to post-punk and new wave musical styles and creators by recreating the musicians' favorite songs, often in bossa nova style. Band members and vocalists have changed over the years, but the style and elegance of Nouvelle Vague have remained, and the powerful voices of the band's (mostly female) vocalists fascinate fans all over the world to this day.
Their unique approach to the songs of bands such as Joy Division, The Cure, Depeche Mode and Blondie has given us unforgettable versions of super hits like “In a Manner of Speaking”, “Love Will Tear Us Apart” and “Dance With Me”. Over the years, their music has received critical acclaim, gathered millions of streams and grown a large international fan base. And of course, their creativity and atmospheric live concerts have offered unforgettable experiences to their listeners.
One of the founders of Nouvelle Vague, Mark Collin, did not even imagine that the band would exist long enough to release so many studio albums. It was meant to be a one-off venture. "It was just an idea - we should create a tribute to the era of post-punk music, and it would be cool to do it in bossa nova style," recalls Collin. "We had one album in mind. I did not think that this project would take such an important place in my life. And I certainly didn't think I'd still be talking about it in interviews 20 years later."
Their latest album "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" continues to traditionally fuse nostalgia with freshness, giving well-known tracks a unique sound and a subtly modern touch. Reviving several famous rock music pieces, the album combines mysterious vocals with complex instrumental parts. The album is a tribute to the music that inspires them, but also a development of the band's artistic activity in a new direction.
Have a look and listen: 
Nouvelle Vague - Shout (feat. Bijou & Marine Quéméré) https://youtu.be/Eh0RSt-CsfI?si=Spytb1wnOz3Q7T4k
Nouvelle Vague - In A Manner Of Speaking (Live in Lisbon) 
Nouvelle Vague - Love Will Tear Us Apart (Live 2018) https://youtu.be/ANjHHjozUts?si=UpV4K4jlclP2e_b6
Nouvelle Vague - Bizarre Love Triangle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aki75C7rxl0
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Tapahtuma Päivä / Aika Tapahtumapaikka Hinta  
Nouvelle Vague Su 6.4.2025 19:00 Alexela Kontserdimaja, Tallinn 42.00 - 72.00
Tapahtuma Nouvelle Vague
Päivä / Aika Su 6.4.2025 19:00
Tapahtumapaikka Alexela Kontserdimaja, Tallinn
Hinta 42.00 - 72.00
18:00 Avatakse Kontserdimaja uksed ja kohvikud
19:00 Algab kontsert.Vaheaeg 30 minutit
Hilinejaid saali ei lubata! Vabandame!
21:30 Orienteeruv lõpp

• Vanusepiirangut ei ole
• Sündmus toimub inglise keeles
• Kehtiv pilet peab olema igal külastajal, ka sülelapsel.
• Hilinejaid saali ei lubata!
• Pildistamine/ filmimine ei ole lubatud
• Ratastoolis külastaja piletitellimus saata: info@piletilevi.ee. Ratastooliga ligipääsetavus: Solaris keskuse Rävala pst. poolse sissepääsu ja seal asuva Artise lifti kõrvalt uksest või Alexela Kontserdimaja liftiga Solaris keskuse parklast. Info 6155113.
• I rõdu 1. ja 2. rea ning II rõdu 1 rea kohad on piiratud nähtavusega. Serval paikneb ohutuspiire
• Tellige kohvilaud ette: https://kontserdimaja.ee/telli-ette/
• Ostes pileti, kohustun täitma toimumiskoha sisekorra eeskirju. Tutvu nendega siit.

Kõikide Alexela Kontserdimajas toimuvate sündmuste hinnad sisaldavad teenustasu 1.40 €/ pilet, mis suunatakse ettevõtte keskkonnasäästlikusse arengusse.
Alexela Kontserdimaja, Tallinn
Estonia pst. 9 Tallinn Põhja-Eesti Viro
Tapahtuman järjestäjä
L Tips Agency Estonia OÜ
Marsi tn 3a-25 Tallinn Harjumaa
+371 26803004/ info@ltips.lv
Reg No: 16255156
Tapahtuma Nouvelle Vague
Päivä / Aika Su 6.4.2025 19:00
Tapahtumapaikka Alexela Kontserdimaja, Tallinn
Hinta 42.00 - 72.00
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