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Sõnadeta, muusikaline kogupere lavastus ''Kes ma olen / Who Am I / Кто Я''

Pe 28.2.2025 12:00
Nukuteatrikeskus Draakonipesa
9.60 - 21.60

Puppet Show "Who Am I" also known as "The Raccoon and the Pond Monster"

Suitable for ages: 4+ (for the whole family)

Two artists – the White Artist, who paints only with white, and the Black Artist, who uses only black – find themselves in a disagreement. Each believes their view of the world is the correct one. However, amidst their quarrel, they begin telling the story of a little raccoon, who asks himself the same question: "Who am I?" The raccoon wants to go to the pond, but the forest animals warn him of the terrible monster that lives there.

On his journey, the raccoon meets various animals, each offering different advice on how to protect himself from the pond monster. Each animal provides its own solution, but the raccoon must decide whom to listen to and how to find his own way. Will he have the courage to go to the pond and discover the truth about the monster? And can the White and Black Artists finally find a common color and end their dispute?

"Who Am I" is a heartwarming and adventurous story about courage, creativity, and cooperation. Puppets, colors, and music take the audience into a magical world, where everyone can discover something new and exciting!

Come and enjoy this fun and inspiring story – perfect for the whole family!

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Tapahtuma Päivä / Aika Tapahtumapaikka Hinta  
Sõnadeta, muusikaline kogupere lavastus ''Kes ma olen / Who Am I / Кто Я'' Pe 28.2.2025 12:00 Nukuteatrikeskus Draakonipesa 9.60 - 21.60
Tapahtuma Sõnadeta, muusikaline kogupere lavastus ''Kes ma olen / Who Am I / Кто Я''
Päivä / Aika Pe 28.2.2025 12:00
Tapahtumapaikka Nukuteatrikeskus Draakonipesa
Hinta 9.60 - 21.60

Üksikpilet 12 €

Laps + täiskasvanu 20 €

Grupisoodustus alates 3.ndast inimesest  8 €/in

Teatrikeskus Draakonipesa
Aia 13 Tallinn Viro
Tapahtuman järjestäjä
Draakonipesa MTÜ
Aia 13 Tallinn Harjumaa
Reg No: 80598617
Tapahtuma Sõnadeta, muusikaline kogupere lavastus ''Kes ma olen / Who Am I / Кто Я''
Päivä / Aika Pe 28.2.2025 12:00
Tapahtumapaikka Nukuteatrikeskus Draakonipesa
Hinta 9.60 - 21.60
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