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XXI tantsupeo ''Iseoma'' II etendus / XXI Dance Celebrations 2nd performance

Pe 4.7.2025 11:00
Kalevi Keskstaadion, Tallinn
XXVIII Song Celebration and XXI Dance Celebration | ‘Kinship’ 
3-6 July 2025
At the time of the very first Estonian Song Celebration in 1869, the country was in the midst of an age of awakening—a unification of a nation once divided by dialects but now connected by a standardized written language. Then, as now, the Song Celebration brought Estonians together in their love for both their language and their homeland.
Over the years, we have collectively nurtured and passed down the tradition of expressing this love through song and dance. At the same time, we recognize that we are individuals, each distinct in our own way. Alike, but different.
The 2025 Celebration honors people and their humanity in all its diversity. It celebrates both the language that unites us and the dialects that distinguish us. This time, singers and dancers from every corner of the country will bring their unique expressions to the stage: a million notes, a million steps, a million people. Together, they will form one voice and one nation, united in kinship.
Artistic Director of the XXVIII Song Celebration: Heli Jürgenson
Lead Choreographer of the XXI Dance Celebration: Helena Mariana Reimann
Creative Director of the Folk Music Celebration: Helin Pihlap
The XXVIII Song and XXI Dance Celebration “Iseoma” (“Kinship”) will take place from July 3rd to 6th, 2025. It is a traditional national event that covers the whole of Estonia, featuring over 40,000 choir singers, orchestral musicians, folk dancers, and folk musicians. More than 100,000 spectators gather to witness three dance performances, one folk music concert, and two concerts of the song festival. The procession of the song festival, which takes place on July 5th before the opening concert, is also very popular. The procession follows a 5-kilometer route from the center of Tallinn to the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds.
All performances and concerts will take place outdoors. Please dress appropriately for the weather and follow the organizers' advice. Umbrellas obstruct the view of other visitors and are therefore not allowed in the event areas. Please allow significantly more time than usual and, if possible, use public transport or a bicycle.
For more information, please visit the website laulupidu.ee (The information in English is available on the website.)
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Tapahtuma Päivä / Aika Tapahtumapaikka  
XXI tantsupeo ''Iseoma'' II etendus / XXI Dance Celebrations 2nd performance Pe 4.7.2025 11:00 Kalevi Keskstaadion, Tallinn
Tapahtuma XXI tantsupeo ''Iseoma'' II etendus / XXI Dance Celebrations 2nd performance
Päivä / Aika Pe 4.7.2025 11:00
Tapahtumapaikka Kalevi Keskstaadion, Tallinn

An agent's fee of €0,06 is added to the ticket price.

West stand 0-10 and east stand 11-21 sectors in rows 1-3 from pre-sale

until 31.05.25 full ticket €11 and discount ticket €9

from 01.06.25 full ticket €18 and discount ticket €12


West stand 0-10 and east stand 11-21 sectors in rows 4-8 from pre-sale

until 31.05.25 full ticket €15 and discount ticket €12

from 01.06.25 full ticket €25 and discount ticket €17


West stand 0-10 and east stand 11-21 sectors in rows 9-14 from pre-sale

until 31.05.25 full ticket €34 and discount ticket €27

from 01.06.25 all tickets €39


West stand sectors 0,1,2,8,9,10 and east stand 11-21 in rows 15-21

throughout the entire period €58


West stand sectors 3-7 in rows 15-21

throughout the entire period €69


Tickets at a discount price can be purchased (when coming to the party, it is necessary to present a document proving the discount at the gate with the ticket):

-Estonian pensioners

-Estonian students

-Estonian students

-Holder of a disabled person's card - visitor in a wheelchair


Visitor in a wheelchair - to order tickets, please contact laulupidu@piletilevi.ee. Wheelchair ticket price €9. The accompanying person can enter the event free of charge with the wheelchair-bound guest. Both must have a valid ticket. Wheelchair/accompanying places are located between sectors I and II of the western grandstand. To order tickets, please contact laulupidu@piletilevi.ee.


For other information requests, please write to laulupidu@piletilevi.ee or call 6 248 032 (weekdays 9:00-17:00).

Children up to 7 years of age (inclusive) can enter the event with their parents for free. If they wish to sit in a sector with a seat, the child must sit on the accompanying person's lap. If you wish to have a separate seat, you must purchase a discount ticket.

Entrance to Kalev Central Stadium opens one hour before the start of the performance.

Information about accessibility is available on the Song and Dance Festival website www.laulupidu.ee

The event will be filmed, photographed, recorded and broadcast live.


Kalevi Keskstaadion, Tallinn
Staadioni 8 Tallinn Põhja-Eesti Viro
Tapahtuman järjestäjä
Eesti Laulu- ja Tantsupeo SA
Pärnu mnt.10 Tallinn 10148 Harjumaa
+372 627 3120
Reg No: 90005188
Tapahtuma XXI tantsupeo ''Iseoma'' II etendus / XXI Dance Celebrations 2nd performance
Päivä / Aika Pe 4.7.2025 11:00
Tapahtumapaikka Kalevi Keskstaadion, Tallinn
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