Valitse aikaväli
Etsi kartalta

Kontsert ''Usk. Lootus. Armastus''

Su 24.8.2025 20:00
Tartu ERM-i suvelava
21.60 - 31.60

The Maarjamaa Philharmonic Orchestra and choir invites you to enjoy a late-summer August evening and good music on August 24 at 8 pm on the Estonian National Museum summer stage. 

The concert is inspired by ourselves, deep feelings and music. At this party, we will combine different musical genres and musicians into one big whole.
The range of works to be performed is very wide - well-known songs from the pop genre, operettas, musicals, arias and choruses from operas. A variety of soloists will take the stage - so that the audience with very different musical tastes will have something to listen to and enjoy.

This year, a charming trio of tenors will perform with us as a guest - "THE IMPULSO TENORS". Estonian soloists will take the stage Karmen Puis, Merle Silmato, Atlan Karp and Marko Matvere.
The choir and orchestra of the Maarjamaa Philharmonic will provide musical support and inspiration. Conductor is Lilyan Kaiv. The evening's luminous sounds are united by Estonian actor Üllar Saaremäe.

Come, let's enjoy beautiful music and a hazy August evening together!

The ERM restaurant "Pööripäev" and the concert area are open from 6:30 PM
The concert is in two parts.
Laajenna näköVähennä näkö
Tapahtuma Päivä / Aika Tapahtumapaikka Hinta  
Kontsert ''Usk. Lootus. Armastus'' Su 24.8.2025 20:00 Tartu ERM-i suvelava 21.60 - 31.60
Tapahtuma Kontsert ''Usk. Lootus. Armastus''
Päivä / Aika Su 24.8.2025 20:00
Tapahtumapaikka Tartu ERM-i suvelava
Hinta 21.60 - 31.60
Until 31.03:
Regular ticket 30 €
University student / pensioner 25 €
Student 20 €
From 01.04 until 23.08:
Regular ticket 35 €
University student / pensioner 30 €
Student 25 €
On the day of the event:
Regular ticket 40 €
University student / pensioner 35 €
Student 30 €
Free admission for children aged 10 and under.
Duration 3 hours
Eesti Rahva Muuseum, Tartu
Muuseumi tee 2 Tartu Lõuna-Eesti Viro
Tapahtuman järjestäjä
Häälepaelad MTÜ
Viktooria vkt 1 Illi küla Nõo vald Tartumaa
Reg No: 80575832
Tapahtuma Kontsert ''Usk. Lootus. Armastus''
Päivä / Aika Su 24.8.2025 20:00
Tapahtumapaikka Tartu ERM-i suvelava
Hinta 21.60 - 31.60
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