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Riga National Zoo visit - Summer season (until 13.10.2024)

Rīgas Zooloģiskais dārzs

Grupas atlaide 10% apmērā no ieejas biļetes cenas tiek piemērota grupām, sākot no 10 cilvēkiem. Iegādātās grupas biļetes izmantojamas grupai kopā, vienā apmeklējuma reizē.

Biļete Rīga ZOO apmeklējumam darba dienā derīga izmantošanai tikai darba dienās. Biļete Rīga ZOO apmeklējumam brīvdienās (un svētku dienās) derīga apmeklējumam jebkurā dienā.

Rīgas Nacionālais zooloģiskais dārzs ir senākais zooloģiskais dārzs Baltijā, kas lepojas ar to, ka tajā mīt aptuveni 400 dzīvnieku sugu un ap 3000 dzīvnieku. Tā vispārējais stratēģiskais mērķis ir uzturēt vienīgo nacionālo zooloģisko dārzu, izglītot sabiedrību par Latvijas un pasaules faunu un tās aizsardzību, ar kvalitatīvas atpūtas piedāvājumu veicināt veselīgu dzīvesveidu un tūrismu, veikt pētniecību un sniegt ieguldījumu reto un izzūdošo sugu saglabāšanā, vienlaikus nodrošinot augstu labturības līmeni zooloģiskā dārza dzīvniekiem.

Rīgas Zooloģiskais dārzs ir lieliska vieta, kur baudīt nesteidzīgu pastaigu Mežaparka priežu ielokā, reizē vērojot dzīvniekus un iepazīstot tās iemītniekus tuvāk. To apmeklējot, jums būs iespēja vērot visdažādākos dzīvniekus – no staltajām žirafēm un drosmīgajiem lauvām līdz darbīgajām skudrām un krāsainajām zivtiņām.

Rīga ZOO ir vienmēr priecīgs uzņemt viesus un sniegt jaunas emocijas pastaigā klusā vietā parkā, vērojot un iepazīstot vienmēr mainīgos dzīvniekus no visas pasaules. Zoodārzā katru reizi varēs atrast ko jaunu un iepriekš neredzētu. Dažādi dzīvnieki redzami gan ārā, gan iekštelpu ekspozīcijās – Tropu mājā, Terārijā, Akvārijā un citur.
Atelpai pastaigas laikā iespējams izmantot piknika laukumu, kā arī kāpšanas torni bērnu laukumiņā, uzkodas un atspirdzinājumus un pats galvenais – tīru gaisu meža ielokā dzīvnieku sabiedrībā.

Ürituse koduleht: https://www.rigazoo.lv/

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Üritus Kuupäev / Kell Toimumiskoht  
Riga National Zoo visit - Summer season (until 13.10.2024) E 14.10.2024 10:00 Rīgas Zooloģiskais dārzs
Üritus Riga National Zoo visit - Summer season (until 13.10.2024)
Kuupäev / Kell E 14.10.2024 10:00
Toimumiskoht Rīgas Zooloģiskais dārzs
When visiting the zoo on holidays, you must purchase a holiday entrance ticket.
I.    General provisions
1.    The Internal Rules of SIA “Rīgas Nacionālais zooloģiskais dārzs” (hereinafter referred to as Riga ZOO), hereinafter referred to as the Internal Rules, provide for the rights and duties of visitors and Riga ZOO, as well as provide visitors with valuable information about a safe visit to Riga ZOO.
2.    The purpose of the Internal Rules is to ensure successful operation and order at Riga ZOO.
3.    Compliance with the Internal Rules is mandatory for all visitors and guests of Riga ZOO regardless of their reason for visiting the territory (purchasing tickets, attending an event, work visit, lease rights, etc.).
4.    When purchasing admission tickets, visitors agree to observe the Internal Regulations of Riga ZOO.
5.    Visitors of Riga ZOO shall keep their admission ticket until the end of their visit and shall show it to an employee of the Internal Security Service of Riga ZOO upon request.
6.    Weather shall not be the reason for refunding money for a ticket purchased.
7.    Visitors shall follow instructions of employees of Riga ZOO.
8.    While in the territory of Riga ZOO, visitors shall behave according to the norms of morale and ethics acceptable in society and be tidy.
9.    There is photo and video fixation in the territory of Riga ZOO. The materials obtained can be used for the purpose of publicity and stating violations.
10.    In the territory of Riga ZOO, visitors can throw garbage only in trash bins specifically intended for that.
11.    During their visit to Riga ZOO, visitors of Riga ZOO are responsible for their personal belongings.
12.    Any property found in the territory of Riga ZOO shall be delivered to the booking office.
13.    Any property lost and found in the territory of Riga ZOO is stored for two months, after this period it is given away for charity or destroyed.
14.    Information about reporting options (phone number) in case of emergency or if a violation is stated is placed all over the territory of Riga ZOO.
II.    Safety of visitors of Riga ZOO
15.    In extreme situations (fire, storm, flood and other cases), visitors of Riga ZOO shall follow orders of employees of Riga ZOO without objections, and follow the evacuation plan if necessary.
16.    Visitors of Riga ZOO shall take care of their own safety and shall be responsible for their own safety and safety of their children, as well as invited guests, including children, shall not endanger and shall not treat violently other visitors and employees of Riga ZOO.
17.    Parents shall look after and shall be responsible for their children being close to them or their trusted person while visiting Riga ZOO.
18.    If a visitor of Riga ZOO or their child is injured while violating the internal rules, the visitor shall be responsible for any harm to health.
19.    In the territory of Riga ZOO visitors are prohibited:
19.1.    to enter and move using a bicycle, scooter, skateboard, roller skates, balance bike and other vehicles;
19.2.    to enter with animals;
19.3.    to enter with balloons, drones and other flying objects or devices;
19.4.    to enter with candyfloss;
19.5.    to feed, touch and disturb animals at Riga ZOO;
19.6.    to make noise in the territory of Riga ZOO;
19.7.    to get over barriers, as well as sit on barriers and fences;
19.8.    to damage greenery, tools and buildings of Riga ZOO, as well as to take out and move tools;
19.9.    to be in the territory of Riga ZOO after working hours;
19.10.    to disturb employees of Riga ZOO without any reason while they perform their direct job duties, or to distract them;
19.11.    to use devices with naked or covered flame, including, grills, except when coordinated with the Sales and Customer Management Department of Riga ZOO;
19.12.    to enter and be under the influence of alcohol, narcotic, toxic and psychotropic substances;
19.13.    to consume alcohol, narcotic, toxic and psychotropic substances;
19.14.    to store and use pepper sprays, gas guns, firearms, bladed weapons;
19.15.    to smoke, including electronic cigarettes, except in specially indicated places;
19.16.    to bring flammable, explosive substances and objects.
III.    Rights of employees of Riga ZOO
20.    To give instructions and reprimands to visitors of Riga ZOO regarding their behaviour and/or actions that are contrary to the Internal Rules of Riga ZOO.
21.    To evict from Riga ZOO without refunding the money paid for the ticket any visitors, who violate the Internal Rules of Riga ZOO, disturb public order, are evidently intoxicated by alcohol or otherwise endanger other visitors, employees and/or animals of Riga ZOO.
22.    In case of a violation of the Internal Rules of Riga ZOO, a report on a violation of the Internal Rules of Riga ZOO shall be drawn up, in which the violation is fixed.
23.    Not to sell a ticket, not to admit to an event and deny access to Riga ZOO to a person:
22.1.    if he/she is evidently intoxicated by alcohol or intoxicating substances, disturbs public order;
22.2.    who does not observe personal hygiene or general epidemiological safety rules;
22.3.    if the person violates the Internal Rules of Riga ZOO, as well as in the cases if the person is caught in fraud.
IV.    Duties of visitors of Riga ZOO
24.    When purchasing tickets with a discount in ticket machines and being unable to present a document granting the right to purchase tickets with a discount, the visitor of Riga ZOO shall pay extra and shall purchase an extra ticket to cover the difference.
25.    When purchasing a ticket with a discount, the visitor shall present to the cashier of Riga ZOO or to the customer adviser a document certifying that the visitor is entitled to use the discount. No discount is granted for the ticket if no document confirming the discount is presented.
VI. Final provision
26.    The Rules shall enter into force when approved.
27.    All the information affecting personal data and required to purchase an e-ticket will be processed in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law and will be used only and solely for purchasing e-tickets. Riga ZOO does not have access to and does not see payment card data used in e-ticket purchase transactions. The customer is diverted to a safe purchase environment for the transaction.
28.    Current prices of admission tickets of Riga ZOO and the discount policy are published on www.rigazoo.lv, and the information is available at booking offices of Riga ZOO.
Action in emergency situations, including in cases when medical attention is needed:
29.    When seeing a violation or stating an emergency, or when assistance is necessary, report it immediately to employees of the Internal Security Service of Riga ZOO in person or by calling: +371 29 44 3993.
Rīgas Zooloģiskais dārzs
Meža prospekts Rīga Läti
Teenust pakub
Rīgas Nacionālais zooloģiskais dārzs SIA
Rīgas Nacionālais zooloģiskais dārzs SIA
Meža prospekts 1, Rīga, LV-1014, Rīga,
28001109 / info@rigazoo.lv
reg.nr: 40103032521
Üritus Riga National Zoo visit - Summer season (until 13.10.2024)
Kuupäev / Kell E 14.10.2024 10:00
Toimumiskoht Rīgas Zooloģiskais dārzs
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