ages 15+ hyper-realistic object theatre in English, Estonian translation on the webpage duration 45 minutes
director and author of the idea Tin Grabnar dramatist Ajda Rooss designer and scenographer Sara Slivnik costume designer Tina Bonča composer and sound designer Mateja Starič lighting designer Gregor Kuhar 3D-printing and puppets Aleksander Andželović cast Aja Kobe, Ajda Toman
When it comes to the choices you make, are you at the wheel or just a passenger?
Transport: Departure brings into focus the natural disasters around us: floods, droughts, heatwaves and wildfires. It is a vivid story of the world of today, where the changes brought on by all of us affect the existence of millions of creatures around the world. Do we take the comfortable road and go along with the ride, allowing our bad habits to let the beauty of this world fade away in the rearview mirror? Or do we pull the handbrake and change the course together?
Transport is a major international project by Slovenian director Tin Grabnar that brings together theatres from Estonia, Slovenia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Poland to create six unique chamber theatre productions. Transport can be regarded as a miniseries, in which each episode may be seen individually but which, if experienced together, create a cohesive whole. The productions share the form of a hyper-realistic 3D-printed miniature world where stories are told through the stop-motion technique used in animation.
Tallinn Treff 2025 presents an opportunity to see four productions of the major project: Transport: Frontline, Transport: Departure, Transport: Cargo, and Transport: Connection Flights. We create a unique shared space, setting scenes for four productions on the stage and in the auditorium of the Estonian Theatre for Young Audiences’ Ferdinand Hall. This solution makes it possible to view the room as an installative exhibition space and see each of the four productions.
The project is funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and may not reflect the views of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
04.02.25 – 09.02.25 Eesti Noorsooteatri soodusmüügikampaania.
Piletihinnad programmis on juba soodushinnad (v.a. lavastustel, kus kampaaniasoodustus ei kehti), eraldi sooduskoodi sisestama ei pea.
Soodushinnaga pileteid on piiratud koguses! Soodushinnaga piletite lõppemisel ja vabade kohtade olemasolul on võimalik osta pileteid tavahinnaga.
Tavapärased soodustused kampaaniahindadele ei kehti. NB! Soodustus kehtib ainult festivali põhiprogrammi etendustele! (st v.a. Karavanteater ja Transport)