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Tallinn Treff 2025: Terror

Su 11/05/2025 16:00
Eesti Noorsooteater, Ovaalsaal


ages 16+  
visual theatre production combining puppet and physical theatre  
without words 
duration 30 minutes

director and performer Antonin Lebrun  
lighting designer Vincent Bourcier  
sound and lights technician Romane Rosser  
musician Jean-Baptiste Lebrun  
production support Simon Le Doaré  
consultant Mila Baleva  

Terror is like a journey through suffering where empathy and identifying mix with pity, sadness and all-saving humour.   

There is a puppet on the stage that looks like it has been skinned alive. Its gestures, breathing and voice lock the viewer in a vague space-time. Puppeteer Antonin Lebrun has said that the initial impulse for this work was an inexplicable feeling that just needed to get out. Led by this feeling, he created a production with a broad spectrum of content and form, drawing inspiration from subjects as various as Plato’s allegory of the cave to modern dance and film.

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/865500443

Website https://www.lesyeuxcreux.com/terreur

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Event Date / Time Venue Price  
Tallinn Treff 2025: Terror Su 11/05/2025 16:00 Eesti Noorsooteater, Ovaalsaal 16.90
Event Tallinn Treff 2025: Terror
Date / Time Su 11/05/2025 16:00
Venue Eesti Noorsooteater, Ovaalsaal
Price 16.90
Price information
04.02.25 – 09.02.25 Eesti Noorsooteatri soodusmüügikampaania.
Piletihinnad programmis on juba soodushinnad (v.a. lavastustel, kus kampaaniasoodustus ei kehti), eraldi sooduskoodi sisestama ei pea.
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Tavapärased soodustused kampaaniahindadele ei kehti. NB! Soodustus kehtib ainult festivali põhiprogrammi etendustele! (st v.a. Karavanteater ja Transport)
Kampaania reeglid leiate siit: https://noorsooteater.ee/et/kampaania
Enne ostu sooritamist palume kontrollida valitud etenduse kuupäeva ja kellaaja õigsust.
Ostetud pileteid ei vahetata ümber ega osteta tagasi.
Piletite hinnad:
Lastelavastused 8 - 17 €
Noorte- ja täiskasvanute lavastused 8 - 20 €
Tavapärased Eesti Noorsooteatri soodustused ei kehti!
Eesti Noorsooteater SA
Lai 1 Tallinn 10133 Harjumaa
Reg. no: 90011094
Event Tallinn Treff 2025: Terror
Date / Time Su 11/05/2025 16:00
Venue Eesti Noorsooteater, Ovaalsaal
Price 16.90
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