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Tallinn Treff 2025: Karavanteater. TRIPP

Fr 09/05/2025 21:20
Tornide väljak, Tallinn

Caravan Theatre: TRIP  

ages 14+  
multimedia production  
without words  
15 minutes

Is the engine making that noise or is this music?

One van, two musicians, light cast on the windows, nine passengers – the TRIP may begin. In the course of fifteen minutes, the audience is taken on an adventure through improvised music and live video art. You might lose yourself in this mad ride, but we can promise that you will be returned to the right place, with metal drum solos rolling in your head.

author Henning Günther


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Event Date / Time Venue Price  
Tallinn Treff 2025: Karavanteater. TRIPP Fr 09/05/2025 21:20 Tornide väljak, Tallinn 9.60
Event Tallinn Treff 2025: Karavanteater. TRIPP
Date / Time Fr 09/05/2025 21:20
Venue Tornide väljak, Tallinn
Price 9.60
Price information
Enne ostu sooritamist palume kontrollida valitud etenduse kuupäeva ja kellaaja õigsust.
Ostetud pileteid ei vahetata ümber ega osteta tagasi.
Piletite hinnad:
Lastelavastused 8 - 17 €
Noorte- ja täiskasvanute lavastused 8 - 20 €
Tavapärased Eesti Noorsooteatri soodustused ei kehti!
Eesti Noorsooteater SA
Lai 1 Tallinn 10133 Harjumaa
Reg. no: 90011094
Event Tallinn Treff 2025: Karavanteater. TRIPP
Date / Time Fr 09/05/2025 21:20
Venue Tornide väljak, Tallinn
Price 9.60
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