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Tallinn Treff 2025: Karavanteater. Me joome ära kogu taevavee

Sa 10/05/2025 19:00
Tornide väljak, Tallinn
Caravan Theatre: We’ll Drink All the Water in the Sky    

ages 6+  
immersive sound journey  
without words  
duration 15 minutes

authors Anaïs Blanchard, Anne-Chloé Jusseau  
text Guilhem Bréard  
music Anne-Chloé Jusseau  
scenography Mathieu Fernandez  
visual design Anaïs Blanchard

We’ll Drink All the Water in the Sky is a caravan theatre small form, in which only four people at a time can experience the visual and sound narration about people who were lost in a flood. The narrators are two sisters, survivors of the catastrophe, who live through and act out memories from the lost time, making sure that the memories survive.

The story is told in a caravan space through images drawn on the windows, through objects and sounds, without using any technological elements. Softly and gently, without burdening the audience, the production deals with the issues of grief and loneliness.

Treiler: https://vimeo.com/672450359

Company’s website: https://lameandre.org/on-boira-toute-leau-du-ciel/ 
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Event Date / Time Venue Price  
Tallinn Treff 2025: Karavanteater. Me joome ära kogu taevavee Sa 10/05/2025 19:00 Tornide väljak, Tallinn 9.60
Event Tallinn Treff 2025: Karavanteater. Me joome ära kogu taevavee
Date / Time Sa 10/05/2025 19:00
Venue Tornide väljak, Tallinn
Price 9.60
Price information
Enne ostu sooritamist palume kontrollida valitud etenduse kuupäeva ja kellaaja õigsust.
Ostetud pileteid ei vahetata ümber ega osteta tagasi.
Piletite hinnad:
Lastelavastused 8 - 17 €
Noorte- ja täiskasvanute lavastused 8 - 20 €
Tavapärased Eesti Noorsooteatri soodustused ei kehti!
Eesti Noorsooteater SA
Lai 1 Tallinn 10133 Harjumaa
Reg. no: 90011094
Event Tallinn Treff 2025: Karavanteater. Me joome ära kogu taevavee
Date / Time Sa 10/05/2025 19:00
Venue Tornide väljak, Tallinn
Price 9.60
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