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Eesti Noorsooteater ''Lenda-lenda röövik''

We 06/11/2024 10:00
Teatri Kodu, Tartu
Estonian Theatre for Young Audiences "Fly, Little Caterpillar"
Language: nonverbal
Genre: puppet show
Target Group: 3+
Duration: 30 min
Who hatches from the egg? Who crawls around and eats? Who flies above the forest?
The puppet production Fly, Little Caterpillar tells a story straight from nature: of how from a tiny egg laid on a leaf hatches a perky, hungry caterpillar; of whom the caterpillar meets when exploring the forest that is its home; and of how it turns into a butterfly.
The production invites us to notice the life that is at first invisible to the eye, encouraging both younger and older viewers to pause more in nature, to listen and to see.
Author of the idea and director Katri Pekri:
I am interested to see if even a little part of the nature that is so vast, endless and powerful can be brought into theatre, brought to life. And I am fascinated by conversations with children. Talking about the way they experience the world and what they think of it. I want to tell them a story in a way that is just as honest and immediate as it is in nature, but partly still brought into a fantasy world, because nature can at times feel too direct or even harsh. Maybe this story will inspire someone to spend more time outdoors, to examine, to explore. To really see. 
Cast: Getter Mersemaa, Jevgeni Moissejenko, Karl Sakrits 
Author of the idea and director: Katri Pekri
Dramatist and author of lyrics: Helena Läks
Designer: Annika Aedma
Composer: Liina Sumera
Lighting designer: Targo Miilimaa

Events website: http://www.naksfestival.ee

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Event Date / Time Venue Price  
Eesti Noorsooteater ''Lenda-lenda röövik'' We 06/11/2024 10:00 Teatri Kodu, Tartu 14.60
Event Eesti Noorsooteater ''Lenda-lenda röövik''
Date / Time We 06/11/2024 10:00
Venue Teatri Kodu, Tartu
Price 14.60
Price information
Festival pass:
Full price 65 €
Student/ disabled 55 € (with document)
MTÜ Assitej Eesti Keskus
Toom-Kooli 13 Tallinn Harju
+372 505 8876
Reg. no: 80013436
Event Eesti Noorsooteater ''Lenda-lenda röövik''
Date / Time We 06/11/2024 10:00
Venue Teatri Kodu, Tartu
Price 14.60
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