Big Wolf Company ''Kolm õde'' (Eesti/Läti)

Tu 05/11/2024 19:00
Tartu Uus Teater, Lai 37
Big Wolf Company 'Three Sisters' (EST/LV)
Language: in few words in Estonian and English
Genre: a contemporary circus' performance
Target Group: 5+
Duration: 45 min
Inspired by Nordic folklore and epics, "Three Sisters" is a contemporary circus performance that talks about the great women of the Nordic countries - of their tenderness, strength, convictions and fears. “How strong legs does one need to break a log? What is needed to give birth in the middle of a field? And what is there to be done, when there are no men on sight and the whole future the woman sees ahead is work, more work and the company of the one's envious, vicious and yet incredibly loving sisters…”
"Three Sisters" is based on aerial disciplines (hammock, hoop) and handstand/acro-dance combined with witty comedy, spiced up with social criticism and danced away by epics. While creating the show the team researched old Nordic traditions about marriage, women’s role in the household, what type of a woman was desired during the old times and how has it changed (or not) these days.
Performers: Grete Gross (EST), Lizeth Wolk (EST), Alise Bokaldere (LV)
Idea: Big Wolf Company
Outside-eye/ dramaturgy: Kati Kivitar

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Big Wolf Company ''Kolm õde'' (Eesti/Läti) Tu 05/11/2024 19:00 Tartu Uus Teater, Lai 37 13.60
Event Big Wolf Company ''Kolm õde'' (Eesti/Läti)
Date / Time Tu 05/11/2024 19:00
Venue Tartu Uus Teater, Lai 37
Price 13.60
Price information
Festival pass:
Full price 65 €
Student/ disabled 55 € (with document)
MTÜ Assitej Eesti Keskus
Toom-Kooli 13 Tallinn Harju
+372 505 8876
Reg. no: 80013436
Event Big Wolf Company ''Kolm õde'' (Eesti/Läti)
Date / Time Tu 05/11/2024 19:00
Venue Tartu Uus Teater, Lai 37
Price 13.60
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