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Jeanne d'Arc G. Verdi ooper

Th 13/03/2025 19:00
Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
11.60 - 38.60


The opera places itself as a Verdi masterpiece of the early period, which was preparatory for the big operas to come.

The woman who dared…

Dramma lirico by Giuseppe Verdi
Libretto by Temistocle Solera, based upon the play “Die Jungfrau von Orleans” by Friedrich Schiller
World premiere on February 15, 1845 at the Teatro alla Scala

Premiere in the Estonian National Opera on February 3, 2023

Sung in Italian with subtitles in Estonian and English.  

Approx. running time 2h 25 min, one intermission

Music Director: Arvo Volmer

Conductor: Kaspar Mänd

Conductor's assistant: Guido Gualalndi

Stage Director: Marco Gandini (Italy)

Set Designer: Italo Grassi (Italy)

Costumes Designer: Anna Biagiotti (Italy)

Video Designer and assistant to the Set Designer: Ludovico Gandellini (Italy)

Lighting Designer: Rasmus Rembel

Choreographer: Mehis Saaber

Chorus Master: Heli Jürgenson


Giovanna d’Arco: Elena Bražnik, Olga Mykytenko

King Carlo: David Esteban, Mehis Tiits

Father Giacomo: Rauno Elp, Leonardo Neiva

Talbot, English Commander: Priit Volmer, Raiko Raalik

Delil, a French Officer: Mart Madiste, Heldur Harry Põlda

The dramatic life story of Joan of Arc has inspired countless artists over the centuries. Composed in barely four months, the score of “Giovanna d’Arco” gives us an insight into an ambitious Giuseppe Verdi who is looking to experiment and innovate, achieving colourful orchestration, rousing choruses and daring vocal writing. It was ecstatically received by audiences. The historical character is presented to us as a combination of historic precision mixed with significant elements of poetic license, the most notorious of which is that his heroine dies on the battle field instead of being burned at the stake as happened in reality. The love of King Charles for her is the other important original trait of the operatic story.


Marco Gandini: “The music of the opera is magnificent, and I’m in love with it! Days preceding the premiere Verdi kept repeating “This is the best of my works!” The success of the first performance at Teatro alla Scala was enormous. Melodies from the opera became popular overnight and were performed on the street organs in the city. What makes this opera amazing is the general electrifying force. The moments of powerful warlike impetus and excitement suddenly interchange with others of pure lyricism, where the melody pierces the heart directly. I would compare listening to “Giovanna” to driving a sports car: it can spin off abruptly after accelerating, while you enjoy the luxury of the soft comfortable interiors of highly refined smooth leather. These kind of sudden alterations make the work greatly dynamic and special”. 


Brief synopsis

            Charles VII, “the king with no kingdom” as France was in the hands of the British Royalty, describes a dream he had of the Virgin Mary instructing him to finally surrender to the English army. Meanwhile, in a mysterious forest that is believed to be the home for witches, Giacomo prays for his daughter who has been praying to become a warrior for the French army. In the same forest there lies a sacred chapel by a giant oak tree and Charles arrives to lay down his weapons, while Giovanna finds him when waking up from a dream about leading the French army to victory. In the dream, she heard the voices of demons, that tempted her, and angels that warned her to protect her heart from earthly love. She gains the approval of the King to join and lead the army, but her father thinks she has sold her soul to the devil.

He goes to Commander Talbot of the English army, who has been defeated. He tells him that he wants to offer up his daughter since she is cursed. Before Charles is crowned as King, he declares his love for Giovanna. She is hesitant, while the voices of the angels and demons arise in her head. She promised heavenly forces to keep herself pure. During a celebration of Giovanna’s victory, Giacomo denounces her in front of everyone and says that she is possessed by the devils. She does not defend herself.

Giovanna is captured by the English army and imprisoned, ready to be carried to the stake. She has visions of victories on the battlefield and prays to God for forgiveness. Giacomo overhears her and realises his mistake. He saves her and she runs off to lead the French army once more.

Giacomo asks forgiveness from the King and he grants him pardon. Giovanna dies on the battlefield and is carried along in a funeral trail, when all of a sudden she revives: her father reclaims her and the King professes his love. She finally ascends to heaven.

            The opera places itself as a Verdi masterpiece of the early period, which was preparatory for the big operas to come. It is a work of the utmost musical quality, interpreted by such famous singers as Renata Tebaldi, Montserrat Caballé and Anna Netrebko.

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Event Date / Time Venue Price  
Jeanne d'Arc G. Verdi ooper Th 13/03/2025 19:00 Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn 11.60 - 38.60
Event Jeanne d'Arc G. Verdi ooper
Date / Time Th 13/03/2025 19:00
Venue Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Price 11.60 - 38.60
Price information
Rahvusvahelise ooperipäeva puhul on 25. oktoobril kõigi käesoleval hooajal mängukavas olevate Itaalia ooperite piletid 20% soodsamad! Soodustuse saamiseks tuleb sisestada sooduskoodi lahtrisse kood „estonia“ ja valida hinnatüüp „Ooperipäev“.

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• soodusetendused 30% piletihinnast (vt * mängukavast). Eesti Vabariigis välja antud pensionitunnistus palume etendusele tulles kaasa võtta.

• soodusetendused 30% piletihinnast (vt * mängukavast). Eesti Vabariigis välja antud Töövõime Kaart palume etendusele tulles kaasa võtta.

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Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Estonia pst 4 Tallinn Põhja-Eesti Estonia
Rahvusooper Estonia
Estonia pst. 4 Tallinn 10148 Harjumaa
Reg. no: 74000033
Event Jeanne d'Arc G. Verdi ooper
Date / Time Th 13/03/2025 19:00
Venue Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Price 11.60 - 38.60
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