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Andrew Lloyd Webber. Reekviem

Sa 19/04/2025 19:00
Pärnu Kontserdimaja
29.60 - 41.60

Thu, 17 April 19.00 Vanemuine Concert Hall

Fri, 18 April 19.00 Estonia Concert Hall

Sat, 19 April 19.00 Pärnu Concert Hall

Andrew Lloyd Webber. “Requiem”


Maria Listra (soprano)

Heldur Harry Põlda (tenor, Estonian National Opera)

Estonian National Opera Boys Choir, head choirmaster Hivro Surva

Tartu Boys Choir ,choiraster Annelii Traks

Estonian National Symphony Orchestra

Conductor Kaspar Mänd



Pärt. "Cantus in memory of Benjamin Britten"

Britten. "Sinfonia da Requiem"

Andrew Lloyd Webber. "Requiem" 


The Andrew Lloyd Webber Requiem celebrates a jubilee of sorts - forty years of audience success on the world's concert stages. This piece, which has blurred the boundaries of classical music's conventional configurations and forms, has never left anyone cold. Composed in tribute to the composer's father, the Requiem is Andrew Lloyd Webber's most personal work, and will appeal to audiences of popular and classical music alike. 


In collaboration with the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra


With one intermission, duration 2 h
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Event Date / Time Venue Price  
Andrew Lloyd Webber. Reekviem Sa 19/04/2025 19:00 Pärnu Kontserdimaja 29.60 - 41.60
Event Andrew Lloyd Webber. Reekviem
Date / Time Sa 19/04/2025 19:00
Venue Pärnu Kontserdimaja
Price 29.60 - 41.60
Price information
Sooduspilet kehtib tudengitele, õpilastele, pensionäridele, erivajadustega klientidele, ratastooli saatjale.
Suures saalis on kolm ratastoolikohta – kaks parteris, 12. rea otstes ja üks keskrõdul. Ostke ratastooli koht saaliplaanilt.
Saatjale ostke palun kohad 12. rea otsa või keskrõdule sissepääsu äärne otsakoht sobivas reas.
Eesti Kontsert SA
Estonia pst. 4 Tallinn Harjumaa
Reg. no: 90012596
Event Andrew Lloyd Webber. Reekviem
Date / Time Sa 19/04/2025 19:00
Venue Pärnu Kontserdimaja
Price 29.60 - 41.60
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