Rahvamuusikapidu / XXVIII laulu- ja XXI tantsupidu ''Iseoma'' / Folk Music Concert

Fr 04/07/2025 14:00
Tallinna Vabaduse väljak
XXVIII Song Celebration and XXI Dance Celebration | ‘Kinship’ 
3-6 July 2025
Folk Music Concert
Friday, July 4th

The Folk Music Celebration „Iseoma” introduces those who keep our music alive – skilled musicians from both the past and present, creators and collectors of songs, and those who preserve and pass on our traditions.
Each section of the program features a soloist who is a true master of their instrument and a leader within their community. For the first time, the program also includes a shared opening and closing number, which will unite the participants and give the audience the chance to join in.

The celebration opens and connects the various facets of our own folk traditions, including not only instrumental music, but also songs, dances, folk costumes, and more.

To ensure our Song and Dance Celebration is as environmentally sustainable as possible, we appreciate your cooperation in following our environmental guidelines and recommendations as you approach the event. Big changes start with small actions.

The concert of folk musicians will take place on Friday, July 4th, in Tallinn's Freedom Square, starting at 14:00. The concert is free of charge and no ticket is needed.

Please allow plenty of time to get to the event – traffic may be disrupted, and there will be many participants. If possible, come by bicycle or public transport.

We recommend checking the organizers' announcements and guidelines for event participants on the website laulupidu.ee.

The event will be filmed, photographed, recorded, and streamed live.

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Event Date / Time Venue  
Rahvamuusikapidu / XXVIII laulu- ja XXI tantsupidu ''Iseoma'' / Folk Music Concert Fr 04/07/2025 14:00 Tallinna Vabaduse väljak
Event Rahvamuusikapidu / XXVIII laulu- ja XXI tantsupidu ''Iseoma'' / Folk Music Concert
Date / Time Fr 04/07/2025 14:00
Venue Tallinna Vabaduse väljak
Price information

Tegemist on TASUTA sündmusega, kuhu piletit välja võtma ei pea.

Sündmusel filmitakse, pildistatakse, salvestatakse ja otseedastatakse.

Tallinna Vabaduse väljak
Vabaduse väljak Tallinn Põhja-Eesti Estonia
Eesti Laulu- ja Tantsupeo SA
Pärnu mnt.10 Tallinn 10148 Harjumaa
+372 627 3120
Reg. no: 90005188
Event Rahvamuusikapidu / XXVIII laulu- ja XXI tantsupidu ''Iseoma'' / Folk Music Concert
Date / Time Fr 04/07/2025 14:00
Venue Tallinna Vabaduse väljak
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