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STF 2024: Ukraina tantsu platvorm

Su 29/09/2024 18:00
Von Krahli Teater, Tallinn
23.60 - 36.60
Ukrainian dance platform is part of the STF 2024: Sõltumatu Tantsu Festival (26.09 - 5.10.2024).
Ukrainian Dance Platform presents three performances by Ukrainian choreographers Rita Lira, Tetyana Znamerovska and Mariya Salo in collaboration with Petras Lisauskas. Since the active phase of the war, Ukrainian dancers have not been able to make their own platform at home or to be in dialogue with people in their field internationally, which is why they have currently chosen the path of showing their work every year in different foreign countries.
Rita Lira “The Trap”
This performance reveals the state of feeling stuck inside oneself and in the environment one finds themselves in. The costume, which consists of a ‘second skin’ cocoon from which long pieces of fabric stretch out, intertwines with the objects around the performer to illustrate this physical and mental entrapment.
Tetiana Znamerovska “The Traces”
The work is based on the ideas of C. Jung about the collective unconscious. Our actions in the present are conditioned by what happened in the past, and our behavior is a mirror of previous generations. The connection with them іsn’t limited to memory alone. The performance "Traces" is a dance visualization of the piles of psychological trauma caused by historical tragedies. They show how our culture, our relationships with people, and our fate can be determined by the past. But it is worth remembering that these imprints can also be the key to changing the scenario of our future.
Mariya Salo, Petras Lisauskas “Insomnia”
The idea of insomnia became the creative axis of this performance. Producer Goda Giedraitytė and sound artist Donatas Bielkauskas came up with the idea of connecting artists with different experiences and reflecting on the insomnia and anxiety they experience in the face of war. In cooperation with Viktor Ruban, a dance creator and producer from Ukraine, two Ukrainian creators were invited to join the project.
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Event Date / Time Venue Price  
STF 2024: Ukraina tantsu platvorm Su 29/09/2024 18:00 Von Krahli Teater, Tallinn 23.60 - 36.60
Event STF 2024: Ukraina tantsu platvorm
Date / Time Su 29/09/2024 18:00
Venue Von Krahli Teater, Tallinn
Price 23.60 - 36.60
Price information
Full ticket 35 €
Pupil/ student/ pensioner  27 €
Group discount from 5 people 22 €/ person
Recipients of the discount are asked to submit a document proving the discount (required on site).
Duration 2 h.
Von Krahli Teater
Telliskivi 60a/9 Tallinn Põhja-Eesti Estonia
Sõltumatu Tantsu Ühendus MTÜ
Telliskivi 60a Tallinn Harjumaa
Reg. no: 80230613
Event STF 2024: Ukraina tantsu platvorm
Date / Time Su 29/09/2024 18:00
Venue Von Krahli Teater, Tallinn
Price 23.60 - 36.60
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