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050704 / Vahimees

Tu 12/11/2024 21:00
Apollo Kino Coca-Cola Plaza, 7. saal
8.00 - 20.00
Watchman Guangdong and his wife Baoyan have devoted their lives to their only son, Zhaohang. When he leaves China to pursue a music career at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, the couple must confront the emotional void his absence creates. Through phone calls, they try to guide Zhaohang from afar, but his journey is shaped by both his deep desire to please his beloved father and his own personal ambition. This universal experience of parents watching their children grow and leave home resonates deeply, capturing the struggle between holding on and letting go. With breathtaking cinematography and a poignant score, this documentary offers an intimate look at cultural adaptation, familial sacrifice, and the evolving dynamics of a father-son bond in the face of separation and change. Mike Arnott

Events website: https://poff.ee/film/vahimees

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Event Date / Time Venue Price  
050704 / Vahimees Tu 12/11/2024 21:00 Apollo Kino Coca-Cola Plaza, 7. saal 8.00 - 20.00
Event 050704 / Vahimees
Date / Time Tu 12/11/2024 21:00
Venue Apollo Kino Coca-Cola Plaza, 7. saal
Price 8.00 - 20.00
Price information
Hinnad kuni 31.10.2024
Täispilet 8 €
Õpilane, tudeng, õpetaja, pensionär, ajateenija 8 € 
Metseeni pilet 20 €
Täispilet paaristoolil/paarisdiivanil 12 €
Õpilane, tudeng, õpetaja, pensionär, ajateenija paaristoolil/paarisdiivanil 9 €
Staaritool 14 €
Hinnad alates 01.11.24
Täispilet 11 €
Õpilane, tudeng, õpetaja, pensionär, ajateenija 9 € 
Metseeni pilet 20 €
Täispilet paaristoolil/paarisdiivanil 12 €
Õpilane, tudeng, õpetaja, pensionär, ajateenija paaristoolil/paarisdiivanil 9 €
Staaritool 14 €
Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival MTÜ
Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival MTÜ
Telliskivi 60A Tallinn 10412 Harjumaa
Reg. no: 80044767
Event 050704 / Vahimees
Date / Time Tu 12/11/2024 21:00
Venue Apollo Kino Coca-Cola Plaza, 7. saal
Price 8.00 - 20.00
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